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Great Depression Of The Ear

Великая Депрессия в США - интересные фактыDuring the beginning of the Great Depression, the President of the United States was Herbert Guver, Republican. In March 1930, the Gover said that the worst was already behind, the economy was recovering, but it was only the beginning of the Great Depression, which extended until the beginning of the Second World War.

Interesting facts about the Great Depression

  • Those who lost their homes lived in the premises called " Guwervili " , towns built from the lachugs were named after Herbert Guver, President of the United States. The food that was provided in the free canteens was known as the " Goover Chemistry " . Newspapers used as blankets were called " Guvrov blankets " , borrowers who had been taken to food - " pig guvers " , and broken cars that were dragged with horses - " carpets "
  • Al Capone, a Chicago gangster, opened a free dining room in the Great Depression years to establish public relations. For a very large number of people, these canteens were the only possible source of food.
  • 1929 famous for the exchange breakthrough. Wall Streetwhich is considered one of the leading causes of the Great Depression. Black Monday, Black Tuesday, these notions are very well described by the stock exchange room, as it took place over a few days, the most destructive was Tuesday, on which day the exchange hit the hardest.
  • On 29 October 1929, exchange losses amounted to $14 billion, totalling $30 billion a week, more than the United States spent on military security during the First World War. 7041 is the sum of today ' s equivalent, an expression of 30 billion that time today.
  • The wave of suicide was triggered by the first exchange collapse. Rumor has it that hotel employees have asked for the purpose of the guest taking the room to kill himself or sleep quietly.
  • The owner of the American sheep farm, knowing that he would not be able to profit from the sheep and that there was no money to feed them, decided to cut the throats of 3,000 sheep and throw them into the canyon.
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