
Movement Occupation Wall Street

Полиция Нью-Йорка разогнала юбилейный митинг протестного движения Захвати Уолл-стритThe NYPD threw the anniversary rally "Take Wall.- Street."

Orders began arresting protesters after some attempted to break the tent camp to settle for long periods in the park. The policeman had to handcuff a few dozen men and take them to police buses.Две тысячи захватчиков пытаются занять пустующее здание в Окленде Zukotti park was cleared from demonstrators 20 minutes after the police operation started.

The number of people arrested in American Auckland was about 400

The American city police in Auckland (California State) arrested about 400 members of the Wall Street movement who attempted to seize buildings in the centre of the city and who were in contact with the law enforcement agencies, and reports to Asoshiateid Press, referring to the chief of the local police, Howard Jordan (Howard Jordan).

More than 6,000 people have been arrested since the beginning of the seizures in the United States.

Activists on a dedicated site count all reported cases of arrest by police officers of their supporters. According to them, between September 2011 and 28 January 2012, the police arrested 6,000,129 persons in 110 United States cities for various offences. The main reasons for the arrests are failure to comply with the police and to disrupt the order.

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