World Stock Exchange

The largest US stock exchanges are NASDAQ, AMEX and NYSE.
- NASDAQ, created by the American Securities Traders Association, the world ' s first electronic stock market. More than 4,400 companies are traded here, and this list includes all known Microsoft, Intel, Apple and Google. The NASDAQ International Stock Exchange is characterized by specialization in the IT sector.
- The American Stock Exchange (AMEX) was set up when market trade only moved from the street to the premises. For a long time, AMEX has specialized in the sale of low-lying securities, but since the collapse of the shares in 1987, stricter bidding rules have been adopted, which has served as a successful development of the exchange. In 2008, it was bought by the NYSE stock exchange.
- New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Peace Stock Exchangeits turnover reaches 50 per cent of world stock exchanges. NYSE is a non-profit organization trading more than 3,000 companies around the world. Being a member of the New York Stock Exchange isn't so, it's just that you need to be a physical face and have income at least $2,7 million a year.
The NYSE leafing requirements are considered to be the strongest and most demanding in the world.
- London Stock Exchange. A stockholder society had been set up to sell its paper, and by the way, it accounted for the largest percentage of global trade in securities, namely 50 per cent. Of the 22 British Stock Exchanges, only LSE fled into international stock exchanges and became leading Europe. Before World War I was the leader of all the world stock exchanges. Both individuals and State brokers with State mandates may become a trader.
- Tokyo Stock Exchange. It's accepted to be the second largest, after NYSE, World Stock Exchange. Some of the largest Asian companies, such as Toyota, Mazda and Sony, sell shares here.
The total number of bidders reaches 2,500. The first indicator of condition is NIKKEI and TOPIX. Individuals, only santori (Maclers) and special brokers cannot be included in the Tokyo Exchange.
- Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Today, more than 1,500 issuers are being traded. For the first time, the Russian company only hit the market in 2010. The capital of the Hong Kong Exchange is about $24 billion.
- The Shanghai Stock Exchange is the largest stock exchange in China, the leader of the Asian stock market. It is not a commercial organization and is under the control of a specialized securities commission. The status of all listed companies is calculated by the SSE Composite index.