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Wall Street Is Hitler's Parish

Wall Street and Hitler came to power.

Satton Anthony, 2015

Simonova T., transfer from English, 2015

TG Algorithm, 2015

Like Hitler used.

Hitler is one of the most famous and mysterious personalities of the twentieth century, centuries of tragic wars and destructive revolutions. There are thousands of books written about him and Hitler Third Reich, hundreds of documentary and artistic films. The flow of various views on occult Nazism, German racial and geopolitical theories, anti-Semitism of Nazis, etc., is not over.

Today, we can speak of a guitler fashion, a conscious cult among a part of the European youth, who wears swastika tattooed on the body and welcomes each other ' s Roman salute.

It is, however, only the external side of the events, so to speak of the decoration of the world drama, which conceals something other, much more mysterious.

Knowing what Adolf Hitler (Schikgruber) thought and did with his CNAP counterparts and allies in many countries is certainly important. But it is equally important to understand who and why led the Nazis to power? Who benefited from the war between the Third Reich and the Soviet Union? And most importantly, what did she end up with?

On the eve of the collapse of the USSR and the reunification of Germany in the west, the view was expressed that Hitler, as a political figure, had emerged from Russian emigrants. It was a myth that the leader of CNDDP became a ydophobic after studying the protocols of the Zion Wise, who allegedly educated the king's guards, and put a Führer Rosenberg out of Pristina. Historians described the close military cooperation between RCKA and Reichsver after the Bolshevik Revolution, and Western politicians did not miss cases to remind the leaders of the Pacte Molotov-Ribbentrop, the de facto union of Stalin and Hitler on the eve of the Second World War. Finally, NATO propaganda launched a duck about Red Army secret plans to advance the Germans to conquer Europe first.

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