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Wall Street Wives

An Australian actress Margo Robbie, who played the wife of the hero Leonardo DiCaprio in Martin Sorsese Volk from Wall Street, is currently negotiating to participate in the Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Zaariah film.

Партнёрша ДиКаприо по «Волку с Уолл-стрит» снимется в постапокалиптическом боевике

Partner of DiCaprio on Wall Street will be shot in post-apocalyptic combat.

The film will be withdrawn by Craig Zobel. It'll talk about a young girl who survived a nuclear war on an American farm. She thinks she's the only survivor, she's about to meet her surprise. This girl will play Margo Robbie.

Amanda Saifred was initially invited to play a leading role in Z. However, she refused to participate in the painting because the timing of the start of the film was constantly shifted. Because of Margo Robbie, the main heroin will be older than originally anticipated.

Trailer of the Future Boyfrend film, which was filmed by Margo Robby.

The film will also be attended by Chris Pine (Star Route, Unmanaged) and Chivitel Ejofort (Human Children, Solt, 12 Years of Slavery):
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