America Crisis
There are several stories of these concepts. We'll see the three most popular of them.
Besides that character, there were others, one of them was Bear. Then there was a strike that struck the London Stock Exchange between Bitch and Medvedham. That's how the image of the exchangers around the world was born.
The second story is simpler, it is based on the fact that " Bullets " are traders playing market growth, " Medvedi " are traders playing down the market. It's just, yeah! Why are the Medveds rather than crocodiles and soy, for example? In fact, and for this, there is a logical explanation for the traders who play to raise the quotes are associated with the Baku because the Buk attacking the enemy by the horns strikes from the bottom up, which very resembles the price movement in the growing trienda.
Trayers of downsizing quotes are called "Medwami" because Bear is attacking a foot down, like hitting an adversary into the ground. It's very similar to the schedule of a falling market. There's an addition to this version: players. Stock Exchange They began to call “bands” and “bears” because of Mexican cabaleros who fought in California between real bulls and grizzly bears. They noticed that bears are trying to squeeze a rival to the ground, while bulls are trying to kick their horns and throw up. The popularity of these fights has become one of the main causes of the extinction of the California grizzly.
And the third and most often quoted story has to do with London bear-storey traders in the sixteenth century. In anticipation of lower prices, these intermediaries (or Medvedi) sold their products before the animals were caught, an early form of short sales. The current saying, "Don't do the skin of an unattended bear," reflects the risks they've come to.
This type of sale was also used by people involved in the South Sea Bubble, a speculative trade in shares that led to the bankruptcy of many British investors in 1720. According to the New Book of Word Histories, Merriam-Webster, the scandal has made the term “Medved” widely applicable.
Both the bully and the bull's grass were popular sports hunts at that time, and probably the bull was chosen to describe the opposite type of trader.