Wall Street Wall Wall Street Warriors 2006
How to succeed!
How to succeed! On the eve, he had a seminar lecture for our students.

In the Hall, nearly three hundred students, on the stage, the legend of the stock market, the cult detreider, one of the best investors in Wall Street: in 2006, Alexander Herczyk participated in one of the most prestigious CNBC television projects in the Mojo Wall Street Warriors project.Wall warriors-Strite) where 2,000 traders were selected as the safest trader with virtually no loss of life. The meeting, however, is no longer a lecture, but a conversation in spirit: difficulties in achieving the goals set; what helps not to get down; knowledge that needs to be acquired and improved...
That's why a businessman with a world name explained his visit. According to him, students are the driving force that today can completely change the world to the best. Education, Alexander Herczyk explained that it was absolutely irrelevant to understand how young people lived and what they wanted.
The quality of the meeting and the sincere interest of students, in the view of Alexander Gerczyk, is the distinctive feature of the Omsky State University of the way to communicate from other training courses. ♪ ♪