Bronze Bull On Wall Street
Limon.KG - The positive guy from Kyrgyzstan, Emil Turusbekov, is registered in social media under @emilyano. Kyrgyzstan travels all over the world. He had travelled to France, Belgium, Luxembourg and many other countries. As the traveller is supposed to be, he's taking pictures of different sights. He didn't ignore the legendary statue of the attacking bull in New York. A picture of Emil left the following entry: " I finally settled a legendary bull! "

Wall Street Bull or Attacking bull. - It's a huge bronze statue of an angry bull installed in the heart of New York's business and financial centre on Wall Street. According to the author ' s sculpture, Arturo Di Modik, the bull symbolizes the aggressive activities of businessmen and financiers. Similar bulls should have appeared in five more cities in the world. In 2010, the attacking bull was installed in Shanghai, but it is now over.
Growth of New York statue 3, 4 meters, length 4, 9 m and weight 3, 2 tons. It cost $360,000.
Approximately a thousand tourists come to see the attacking bull every day.
It is believed that if you touch a bull for genitalia, success and financial stability will be guaranteed. Therefore, certain statues are wiped to the gloss. Whether this ritual has been made by a gypsian remains a mystery.
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